We support our customers throughout the entire lifecycle of their equipment, from installation and qualification to maintenance, repairs & plant-optimization.
Installation and maintenance on site
We provide technical service globally.
Depending on the service request the services are performed by our local distributors and offices or by our team service technicians.
Please contact us in case you need technical assistance.
FAT, SAT, Qualification (IQ, OQ)
On customer request, we perfom FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) and SAT (Site Acceptance Test). Additionally, for our customers in the pharmaceutical industry we offer the qualification of the equipment (IQ, OQ).
Repairs and spare part ordering
Our local distributors and offices will support you with the supply of spare parts and repairs. Our headquarter assists customers in Switzerland directly.
Part numbers you may find in the documentation provided with the equipment. In case of doubts, please always provide us the specific system reference number which can be found on the plate on each apparatus.
If you send us devices or assemblies for repair, please complete the following decontamination declaration. As we have to protect our employees from the dangers of contaminated devices, we ask for your understanding that we can only carry out repairs if this declaration has been completed and signed.