novoclave® - 高压反应釜
实验室高温 / 高压反应釜
反应釜体积:100 – 600 毫升
压力:-1(FV)至 +400 bar
温度:-20°C至 + 400 °C
材质:不锈钢、Hastelloy® (Hastelloy® +400 °C)
反应釜体积:100 – 600 毫升
压力:-1(FV)至 +500 bar
温度:-20 °C 至 + 500 °C
材质:不锈钢、Hastelloy®(Hastelloy® +400 °C)
这是我们新推出的高压 / 高温釜novoclave。该高压反应釜系统设计用于高压和高温的制程。安全功能可确保在最高压力下安全反应。根据PED、AD2000设计,制造及测试。电加热具有内建自动自来水快速冷却及精确的温度控制,在设备或经由PC可编程PID控制器进行操作。
novoclave系统的模块化设置可使用相同的盖板和电热板将容器尺寸从100ml改为600 ml。容器有以下容量:100/200/300/450 / 600 ml。
"The 100ml novoclave works great for my bench top scale. I love the idea that I can scale up to 600 ml at any time without having to purchase an entire new reactor. We use the novoclave for benchtop depolymerization reactions. Basically, we fractionate biomass into its monomeric components to serve as platform chemicals for other high value biomaterials or bioproducts. This employs water together with other solvents, acid or a base. The reactor vessel is well built to serve its purpose. It does not take up space at all which is great for a benchtop lab setting."
Emmanuel Atta-Obeng, Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Science, Coppin State University (March 2022)